This is a story of two aristocratic brothers who volunteered to fight in the First World War and who were killed within months of each other in Flanders while fighting bravely for their country. The letters contained in this book are those that they both sent to their beloved Mother, Lady Ettie Desborough, describing in vivid details not only the battles that they took part in but also, particularly in Julian Grenfell's case, with journalistic verve the events surrounding these battles in a time when an aristocrat such as he could go to battle accompanied by his greyhounds and horses. The...
This is a story of two aristocratic brothers who volunteered to fight in the First World War and who were killed within months of each other in Flande...
The author has extensive experience in Committee work and minute taking having run her own freelance company after 20 years working as a University Officer. Her minute taking experience encompasses minutes taken for governments and for University senates as well as more mundane Committee work.
The author has extensive experience in Committee work and minute taking having run her own freelance company after 20 years working as a University Of...