Concepts of Recovery The Journey Facilitator's Guide provides a listing of supplies needed, and rituals for each chapter of Concepts of Recovery The Journey Participant's Book to help move the trauma of abortion to the heart where healing can take place. The Facilitator's Guide directs the leader using Concepts of Recovery The Journey Participant's book which was written by those who have experienced the pain of abortion; but have also found grace and peace through Jesus Christ. It includes the leaders directions for the original Art Workshop for Abortion Recovery, Jesus Delivers and suggests...
Concepts of Recovery The Journey Facilitator's Guide provides a listing of supplies needed, and rituals for each chapter of Concepts of Recovery The J...
Concepts of Recovery The Journey Participant's book was written by those who have experienced the pain of abortion; but have also found grace and peace through Jesus Christ. It includes an original Art Workshop for Abortion Recovery, Jesus Delivers. It is written from a grief perspective, Biblical approach in the journey of healing and includes questions/scriptures to enhance the participant's cognitive decision making and move them along in the tasks of healing. Concepts of Recovery The Journey Facilitator's Guide is also available on Amazon and is a valuable, companion resource. A...
Concepts of Recovery The Journey Participant's book was written by those who have experienced the pain of abortion; but have also found grace and peac...