Design and optimization of integrated circuits are essential to the creation of new semiconductor chips, and physical optimizations are becoming more prominent as a result of semiconductor scaling. Modern chip design has become so complex that it is largely performed by specialized software, which is frequently updated to address advances in semiconductor technologies and increased problem complexities. A user of such software needs a high-level understanding of the underlying mathematical models and algorithms. On the other hand, a developer of such software must have a keen understanding...
Design and optimization of integrated circuits are essential to the creation of new semiconductor chips, and physical optimizations are becoming mo...
Logic circuits are becoming increasingly susceptible to probabilistic behavior caused by external radiation and process variation. In addition, inherently probabilistic quantum- and nano-technologies are on the horizon as we approach the limits of CMOS scaling. Ensuring the reliability of such circuits despite the probabilistic behavior is a key challenge in IC design---one that necessitates a fundamental, probabilistic reformulation of synthesis and testing techniques. This monograph will present techniques for analyzing, designing, and testing logic circuits with probabilistic behavior.
Logic circuits are becoming increasingly susceptible to probabilistic behavior caused by external radiation and process variation. In addition, inhere...
Quantum Circuit Simulation covers the fundamentals of linear algebra and introduces basic concepts of quantum physics needed to understand quantum circuits and algorithms. It requires only basic familiarity with algebra, graph algorithms and computer engineering. After introducing necessary background, the authors describe key simulation techniques that have so far been scattered throughout the research literature in physics, computer science, and computer engineering. Quantum Circuit Simulation also illustrates the development of software for quantum simulation by example of the QuIDDPro...
Quantum Circuit Simulation covers the fundamentals of linear algebra and introduces basic concepts of quantum physics needed to understand quantum ...