The Mystery and Murder of the Dragonfly's Daughter tells the story about an out-of-work, private investigator who takes on a silly case for a billionaire client and stumbles into an unexpected murder mystery. Important: This release is the Collectible Print Edition. Why buy this book? Discover more below... Do you have time to search for the next great book and next great author in Literature & Fiction? Here is the easy way to save's very simple: Define Suspense. Why suspense? It's Suspense that makes almost all books a "good read" or a "bad read." This book is...
The Mystery and Murder of the Dragonfly's Daughter tells the story about an out-of-work, private investigator who takes on a silly case for a b...
What do you know about The Fountain of Youth? Did it really exist? Discover the story behind the Fountain of Youth. Where was it? Where is it today? Take a trip back in time. This is the story of a struggling private investigator hired to solve a murder mystery, challenged to be fair, and trusted to save a village full of innocent people including her daughter. Important: This release is the Collectible Print Edition.
What do you know about The Fountain of Youth? Did it really exist? Discover the story behind the Fountain of Youth. Where was it? Where is it t...