Pete is a grumpy young pumpkin who decides to leave the pumpkin patch to avoid children and Halloween. Pete rejects his purpose, his friends, and old Farmer Dale and wanders off, only to end up alone and afraid in a dark and scary place. However, just like God came looking for us in our wanderings, Farmer Dale finds, forgives, and restores Pete. Pete the Prodigal Pumpkin: A Good News Halloween Story is a powerful and touching tale of love and redemption that reminds every child how our Father God loves us beyond measure. This full-color, fully illustrated book is top bound (calendar style)...
Pete is a grumpy young pumpkin who decides to leave the pumpkin patch to avoid children and Halloween. Pete rejects his purpose, his friends, and old ...
Lasting marriages don't just survive. They thrive. Long-married spouses discover how to not just live with each other, but to love each other in a way that can only be described as godly. They've come to understand that the joys of marriage often arrive because of its many challenges, not despite them. Marriage is a perfectly imperfect relationship that's hard, but worth it. After nearly forty years of marriage, Pastor Kurt Bubna knows that to be true. In three decades of leading churches, he's also witnessed the hopes, hurts, confusion, and frustration of...
Lasting marriages don't just survive. They thrive. Long-married spouses discover how to not just live with each other, but to love each ot...