This little book touches the personal core of global issues and is a dedication to the Heart of humanity through the difficult times we face in our troubled world. I hope it touches your Heart and helps bring more LOVE into our troubled world. This book is an accumulation of articles that were published in "the Personal Journal," "Sharon's Bud" and the "Heart Bud paper" as well as on the web, from 2004 to the present time. The Journals and papers were targeted into discontinuation but whats left of them is still reaching for the Heart of humanity through this book.
This little book touches the personal core of global issues and is a dedication to the Heart of humanity through the difficult times we face in our tr...
This book is the beginning phase of an American Targeted Individual's recording of around four decades of experiences with being targeted by a covert operation, which utilizes satellite surveillance systems in conjunction with microwave weapons, laser weapons, psychotronic weapons, chemical warfare, psychological warfare and parasite warfare. I dedicate this book to America and all of its targeted citizens. Please peacefully stand up America - please help restore Freedoms that dark infiltrating forces have been taking from us. read more on Please help restore the...
This book is the beginning phase of an American Targeted Individual's recording of around four decades of experiences with being targeted by a covert ...