"Behind the Red Velvet Curtain" is an unproduced screenplay written by C.J. Zamboni. "Behind the Red Velvet Curtain" is a heartfelt cinematic drama about courage, artistic passion, and the will to overcome impossible odds turning vision into reality. Amanda, a New York film school dropout, seeks out a renegade veteran actor black-balled by the big studios, to make her story come to life on the big screen. As their journey begins, Amanda uncovers she is living on borrowed time. As they work feverishly to complete the project, it becomes more than just a film, but a common bond that connects...
"Behind the Red Velvet Curtain" is an unproduced screenplay written by C.J. Zamboni. "Behind the Red Velvet Curtain" is a heartfelt cinematic drama ab...
Over the Broken Bridge is a collection of short stories which traverses over the facades of a shallow civilization and cracks the fragile eggshell of the human psyche. Each individual story, is a personal ambition to overcome the indoctrinated predicated beliefs of our society, versus our own primitive instinctual power to resort back to the never-ending quest for freedom and inner peace. Combined, they represent a transcendental parable of personal triumph, fleeting folly, and colossal failure. Each pivotal moment, allows one the option to; follow their inner voice, or subside to the...
Over the Broken Bridge is a collection of short stories which traverses over the facades of a shallow civilization and cracks the fragile eggshell of ...