"Poems by Elvira" are rich with joy and laughter as well as sorrow and pain that she has felt and experienced throughout her life as friends and family came to visit her. The faith and love for her Lord and Savior are revealed as she sits in a coffee shop or on her front porch and watches people as they pass by and then writes about them as only one who is inspired by the love of God can write. "Friends and Flowers" says, "Sometimes friendships like flowers grow," This is a poem that looks back at friends who have come and gone as flowers do in their seasons. Some come to stay. "Moms" was...
"Poems by Elvira" are rich with joy and laughter as well as sorrow and pain that she has felt and experienced throughout her life as friends and famil...
At the conclusion of this book, "The Rains Came; The Winds Blew," Elvira wrote, And I tell you folks, it's heaven to be riding down the trail of life and watch the evening sun go down." This book is about Elvira's "trail" of life as the rains came and the winds blew against her and as they do against all of us. Her faith in the God she loves and her perseverance as she walked that trail strengthened her and kept her pushing toward the goal. Jesus said, "A wise man built his house on the rock: and the rains descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not...
At the conclusion of this book, "The Rains Came; The Winds Blew," Elvira wrote, And I tell you folks, it's heaven to be riding down the trail of life ...