QUEENSLAND, Australia -Author Penny de Byl shares a thrilling story that combines the mystery of a crime and police procedural, with science fiction. "Lost Souls" follows humankind's fledgling endeavors to colonize space, but unfolds into the near future where science looks to religious tenets and beliefs when unethical medical practices lead to a series of baffling deaths. The story unfolds along two parallel narratives. The first tracks a police team investigating a series of bizarre deaths in which people are dropping dead with no apparent explanation. The second focuses on a group of...
QUEENSLAND, Australia -Author Penny de Byl shares a thrilling story that combines the mystery of a crime and police procedural, with science fiction. ...
When a body is found drowned in a sewerage vat, Special Agent Zoe Moore and her team are summoned to space station Akkadia to investigate. In among a bustling space tourism trade, established by Everjein, Zoe soon discovers a series of unexplained near-death suffocations. Circumstantial evidence points to four young delegates of a seemingly passive religious order, motivated to populate the galaxy. Meanwhile, as Dr. Kian Barret works with his engineers to expand the size of the station, he is brutally attacked, leading to a series of catastrophic events that could see all the station...
When a body is found drowned in a sewerage vat, Special Agent Zoe Moore and her team are summoned to space station Akkadia to investigate. In among a ...
Fifteen teenagers are chosen from thousands to participate in an off-world educational program at Cassini, the first human colony established on Titan. A team of psychologists responsible for their mental welfare accompanies them. When Drs. Kian and Marcela Barret discover that one of the teenagers' guardians is a convicted criminal who caused the death of their baby sixteen years ago, Zoe Moore and her team are summoned to Cassini to investigate the legitimacy of the organization funding the program. What they uncover is a network of unethical scientific and paranormal practices driven by...
Fifteen teenagers are chosen from thousands to participate in an off-world educational program at Cassini, the first human colony established on Titan...