A Shocking Bible Discovery found in the Dead Sea Scrolls
After forty years of research in the Biblical text, this book came about while studying Biblical manuscripts in their original Greek. I was given a project by my Greek professor to research the Dead Sea Scrolls. This research changed my life, my belief about time and the books of the Bible. While researching the Dead Sea Scrolls, I found two historical books that were in the Bible during Jesus time on this Earth. So I ask this question: Why did man remove these books? The deeper I studied I discovered that our Bible should have...
A Shocking Bible Discovery found in the Dead Sea Scrolls
After forty years of research in the Biblical text, this book came about while studyin...
A Shocking Bible Discovery found in the Dead Sea Scrolls
After forty years of research in the Biblical text, this book came about while studying Biblical manuscripts in their original Greek. I was given a project by my Greek professor to research the Dead Sea Scrolls. This research changed my life, my belief about time and the books of the Bible. While researching the Dead Sea Scrolls, I found two historical books that were in the Bible during Jesus time on this Earth. So I ask this question: Why did man remove these books? The deeper I studied I discovered that our Bible...
A Shocking Bible Discovery found in the Dead Sea Scrolls
After forty years of research in the Biblical text, this book came about...