This volume deals with the multifaceted and interdependent impacts of climate change on society from the perspective of a broad set of disciplines. The main objective of the book is to assess public and private cost of climate change as far as quantifiable, while taking into account the high degree of uncertainty. It offers new insights for the economic assessment of a broad range of climate change impact chains at a national scale. The framework presented in the book allows consistent evaluation including mutual interdependencies and macroeconomic feedback. This book develops a toolbox...
This volume deals with the multifaceted and interdependent impacts of climate change on society from the perspective of a broad set of disciplines....
Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2015 im Fachbereich BWL - Beschaffung, Produktion, Logistik, Note: 1,5, Johannes Kepler Universitat Linz (Produktion- und Logistikmanagement), Veranstaltung: SE: Entscheidungsunterstutzung in Produktion, Logistik und Supply Chain Management, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Grundlegend ist jede Absatzkette als System mit diversen Subsystemen, oder auch als Lieferkette mit einzelnen Gliedern anzusehen. Untersucht man nun eine derartige Konstellation in ihrer Gesamtheit, so spricht man laut Schulte von einer Supply Chain (vgl. Schulte 2009, S.19). Fur das Optimieren...
Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2015 im Fachbereich BWL - Beschaffung, Produktion, Logistik, Note: 1,5, Johannes Kepler Universitat Linz (Produktion- und ...
This volume deals with the multifaceted and interdependent impacts of climate change on society from the perspective of a broad set of disciplines. The main objective of the book is to assess public and private cost of climate change as far as quantifiable, while taking into account the high degree of uncertainty.
This volume deals with the multifaceted and interdependent impacts of climate change on society from the perspective of a broad set of disciplines. Th...