This book deals with what's happening in the world today in regards to the killings that are going on globally. This book takes a stance and reveal the truth as to why it is happening.
This book deals with what's happening in the world today in regards to the killings that are going on globally. This book takes a stance and reveal th...
This is my talk in regards to religion and spirituality. This book talks about identity thieves as well as cuss out the black race in regards to religion and the crap and or bullshit some of them accept as being the truth.
This is my talk in regards to religion and spirituality. This book talks about identity thieves as well as cuss out the black race in regards to relig...
Book two in the My Talk series. In this book it talks life and death and my dreams. I know something is to happen to the United States of America but I truly don't know what. I know death is gearing up to take life on a massive scale and America, the United States of America is on the list of death.
Book two in the My Talk series. In this book it talks life and death and my dreams. I know something is to happen to the United States of America but ...
The third book in the My Talk series. In this book I talk about my dreams and or visions, my children. I also touch base on the youths of this world.
The third book in the My Talk series. In this book I talk about my dreams and or visions, my children. I also touch base on the youths of this world.