A growing number of people are open to the subject of past lives, and the belief in rebirth-reincarnation, metemphsychosis, or transmigration-is becoming commonplace. But it often thought that belief in reincarnation and Christianity are incompatible. But is this really true? May a Christian believe in reincarnation? The answer may surprise you. Reincarnation-also known as the transmigration of souls-is not just some exotic idea of non-Christian mysticism. Nor is itan exclusively Hindu-Buddhist teaching. In orthodox Jewish and early Christian writings, as well as the Holy Scriptures, we find...
A growing number of people are open to the subject of past lives, and the belief in rebirth-reincarnation, metemphsychosis, or transmigration-is becom...
"The old adage is still true: All that glitters is not gold."
"Over and over people have mistaken trivial and pathological conditions for enlightenment, written books, given seminars and gained a devoted following. I have encountered quite a few myself, including people who believed they were the Divine Mother, Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, Saint Francis of Assisi, Archangel Michael, Lucifer and assorted famous masters of the past. One called our monastery and left lengthy narratives on our answering machine about herself because, she said, she did not want to die...
"The old adage is still true: All that glitters is not gold."
"Over and over people have mistaken trivial and pathological ...