The world is rife with antibiotics and antivirals. What once was nonexistent, now, has become commonplace. Having an abundance to these substances doesn't equate to overall general health or cures for minor ailments. Inside the pages of this book, you will find detailed descriptions, weighing the pros and cons of synthetic products versus natural products. Discover the secrets behind creating your own natural antibiotics inexpensively while keeping your health and well-being in mind. Not only will you find recipes for antibiotics, but you will also find tips and tricks for natural oils,...
The world is rife with antibiotics and antivirals. What once was nonexistent, now, has become commonplace. Having an abundance to these substances doe...
Day after day, we are constantly bombarded with stimuli that can cause harmful effects on our bodies just like a stressful job, a highly competitive group of classmates, a messy family, a demanding lover and even terror bosses and teachers. Pair those with a polluted environment and keeping an unhealthy lifestyle, it is really possible that we sometimes lose the battle to sickness. We can get infections and diseases that can rob our energy away from us and even force us to stay in bed. However, with the rise in the prices of medicine and medical care these days, it is very expensive to get...
Day after day, we are constantly bombarded with stimuli that can cause harmful effects on our bodies just like a stressful job, a highly competitive g...