How to Be Happy Every Single Day - 63 Proven Ways to Become a Positive Person If you met the old me, you would hate me.
I used to be an unhappy pessimist. The worst kind: getting his high from things going wrong. Needless to say, I lived a sad life. I wish I could travel back in time and punch myself in the face. Maybe it would wake me up.
Unfortunately, time travel machines aren't a thing yet. But you can avoid making my mistakes and focus on your happiness right here, right now.
My life was miserable until I started making changes to eliminate the negative thoughts from my mind. I...
How to Be Happy Every Single Day - 63 Proven Ways to Become a Positive Person If you met the old me, you would hate me.
How to Make Friends as an Introvert - Discover Over 50 Proven Introvert-Friendly Tips to Become Great at Socializing I want to challenge your thinking.
Do you consider introversion a roadblock that holds you back when socializing? Do you feel you'll never become good at making friends or getting to know new people because introverts can't possess these skills? Do you think there are very few ways to socialize outside of partying?
You're mistaken, and I wrote this book to tell you why.
How to Make Friends as an Introvert will help you discover:
- 5 strengths of...
How to Make Friends as an Introvert - Discover Over 50 Proven Introvert-Friendly Tips to Become Great at Socializing I want to challenge your thinking...
How to Learn a New Language in as Little as a Few Months - and Have a Boatload of Fun Doing It
Let me make a prediction.
I predict that many, many hundreds of people who will read this description will close this page in a few seconds.
"Learn a new language in a few months? Are you out of your mind?" they'll say. "It's just too good to be true."
And they will go back to their old language learning methods.
You know which methods: toiling away at mind-numbing grammar exercises, learning words nobody uses, and, most importantly, never actually using your skills to communicate...
How to Learn a New Language in as Little as a Few Months - and Have a Boatload of Fun Doing It
How an Introverted Entrepreneur Accidentally Discovered the Critical Effect of His Personality on His Business
If you are an introvert wishing to start a business, I can't think of a worse way to mess it up than to completely disregard the effect of your personality on its success.
In fact, that's exactly how I messed up my business. I launched a venture suited for an extrovert, not even once asking myself whether I could handle it with my deeply introverted nature.
Would you like to avoid a major screw-up and start a business that fits your personality?
Don't reply. I know your...
How an Introverted Entrepreneur Accidentally Discovered the Critical Effect of His Personality on His Business