The Portal, a chapter book, is a science fiction mystery for children ages 6 to 10. Where is Santa and his head elf Herbie? Three little girls, Claira, Ariel, and Kimberly, go on an incredible adventure on Christmas Eve to save Santa and Herbie. They meet a black cat who talks and changes shape and ride on the back of a large black dog with a bionic eye. Will they find Santa in time for him to pack his sleigh for Christmas?
The Portal, a chapter book, is a science fiction mystery for children ages 6 to 10. Where is Santa and his head elf Herbie? Three little girls, Claira...
The Cave is the third book in the chapter book series Museum Mysteries. Claira, Ariel, and Kimberly have been on two adventures with Bast, a cat with magical powers, and her friend Maximus, a large black Labrador Retriever with a bionic eye. Three young boys are missing in Italy and Bast needs the girls' help to rescue them. Will they agree to enter the portal in the closet with Bast?
The Cave is the third book in the chapter book series Museum Mysteries. Claira, Ariel, and Kimberly have been on two adventures with Bast, a cat with ...