If You Want To Avoid Being Raped Or Need To Get Over It If You Have Been Raped This Is the Book For You. There is no innocent rape and there is no legitimate rape. Rape is Rape. It is a crime. * Someone in America is raped every two minutes. * The primary age of rape victims is 16-24. * 80% of these victims know their rapists - they are fathers, boy friends, best friend's boy friends, uncles, brothers, fiances and husbands. * Rape is a betrayal of trust and it is a felony. This Book Tells You: * how to protect yourself. * what a rapist personality looks like. * how to help yourself out of...
If You Want To Avoid Being Raped Or Need To Get Over It If You Have Been Raped This Is the Book For You. There is no innocent rape and there is no leg...