Social critics have long lamented America s descent into a culture of narcissism, as Christopher Lasch so lastingly put it fifty years ago. From first world problems to political correctness, from the Oprahfication of emotional discourse to the development of Big Pharma products for every real and imagined pathology, therapeutic culture gets the blame. Ask not where the stereotype of feckless, overmedicated, half-paralyzed millennials comes from, for it comes from their parents therapist s couches."Rethinking Therapeutic Culture" makes a powerful case that we ve got it all wrong. Editors...
Social critics have long lamented America s descent into a culture of narcissism, as Christopher Lasch so lastingly put it fifty years ago. From first...
For scholars invested in supporting or challenging dominant ideologies, the beauty of literature seemed frivolous, even complicit with social iniquities. Suspicion of aesthetics became a way to establish the rigor of one's thought and the purity of one's politics. Yet aesthetic pleasure never disappeared, Timothy Aubrey writes. It went underground.
For scholars invested in supporting or challenging dominant ideologies, the beauty of literature seemed frivolous, even complicit with social iniquiti...