"Mr. Umnutfrankenstein" An enchanting story of an eccentric father's love for his very un- usual daughter, Marla. Mr.Umnut tries to find someone to love his daughter, and to overlook the cruel trick that nature has played on her. This brings him into very unique situations as he meets all kinds of interesting characters. He will even witness The Salem Witch hanging at the true location of Gallows Hill in Salem Massachusetts. Listen to the true words spoken as the accused are about to be murdered. There is also lots of romance, and a trip to the amusement park where all kinds of chaos happens...
"Mr. Umnutfrankenstein" An enchanting story of an eccentric father's love for his very un- usual daughter, Marla. Mr.Umnut tries to find someone to lo...
Alihume, Pronounced: A-LEE-HUME Half Alien Half Human Being. Alihume must flee The Planet Zectar and go to Earth to find his Earth father, Ted. Ted does not know Alihume exists and is horrified that this thing is looking for him and calling him father. Alihume will help save earth's dying oceans, people all over the world will help him, won't you too?
Alihume, Pronounced: A-LEE-HUME Half Alien Half Human Being. Alihume must flee The Planet Zectar and go to Earth to find his Earth father, Ted. Ted do...
A Magic Cupid's Oil and the Duckling, a valentine's day magical story. A story of Love, romance, and friendship. This is a story that can be enjoyed by children and readers of all ages. I promise a magical love story. Dreams really do come true.
A Magic Cupid's Oil and the Duckling, a valentine's day magical story. A story of Love, romance, and friendship. This is a story that can be enjoyed b...