The delightful tale of a dog that has two old cats invade his home and how they all learn to get along, this book contains 28 original watercolor illustrations. Targeted for 2-8 yrs olds, it appeals to all ages of "children" who love dogs and/or cats. "The blended family theme makes this a wonderful gift for families with a new baby or a new pet." "A nice little book with a very big heart." "Charming and insightful, this book is produced by people who really know and love animals."
The delightful tale of a dog that has two old cats invade his home and how they all learn to get along, this book contains 28 original watercolor illu...
The Merriam Webster dictionary defines "ekphrasis" as a literary description of or commentary on a visual work of art. This workbook provides the writer with 20 visual works of art intended to stimulate his or her muse-paintings, drawings, and photographs. When you look at one of the paintings, drawings or photos, what does it bring to your writer's mind? What are your first thoughts? Does the illustration evoke a feeling? Memory? A particular time? Poetry or prose? A sonnet? A simple verse? Flash Fiction or an anecdote? Does it call for a narrative poem? Or a short story? Perhaps a bit of...
The Merriam Webster dictionary defines "ekphrasis" as a literary description of or commentary on a visual work of art. This workbook provides the writ...