Jesus said, "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." That's the offer of Christianity, from God himself.
Jesus touched people, and they changed: the blind had sight, the lame walked, the deaf heard, the dead were raised. To be touched by God, in other words, is to be restored, to be made all God means us to be. That is what Christianity promises to do?make us whole, set us free, bring us fully alive.
Waking the Dead--newly revised and updated for these trying times--reveals the secret of finding that life, of identifying the fierce battle over...
Jesus said, "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." That's the offer of Christianity, from God himself.
Discover and Embrace the Extravagant, Unconditional Love of the Father
How is it that so many believers get stuck when it comes to entering into a relationship with God the Father? Rather than basking in the Father's endless love, compassion, and delight, we seem to hesitate, like orphaned children unsure of a place to call home.
Neal Lozano breaks through the obstacles that keep us from growing in this pivotal relationship. He shatters fear and estrangement in his joyful exploration of Jesus's promise to show us his Father--and ours. It is a heartwarming journey, starting...
Discover and Embrace the Extravagant, Unconditional Love of the Father
How is it that so many believers get stuck when it comes to enter...
In Luke 11:1, the disciples asked Jesus, "Teach us to pray " Most of us want to know more about how prayer works. While we are used to offering up prayers, we wonder if we are praying in the most effective way or if we are approaching the throne of God in the "right" way. We ask ourselves:
How do I listen for God?
How do I pray for healing?
How do I pray when I am under spiritual attack?
How do I pray to break through strongholds of habitual sin?
How do I pray for protection?
How do I pray for my lost friends and family?
In Luke 11:1, the disciples asked Jesus, "Teach us to pray " Most of us want to know more about how prayer works. While we are used to offering up ...
Por que unas oraciones funcionan y otras no?Como se sentiria orar con la confianza y la garantia de que Dios te escucha y que tus oraciones hacen una diferencia?John Eldredge, autor best seller del New York Times ofrece una guia paso a paso hacia una oracion eficaz.Todos tenemos una razon para orar. Anhelamos ver que Dios conceda nuestras peticiones y las de nuestros seres amados. Sin embargo, algunas veces no lo hace, y entonces, donde nos deja esa situacion? Estamos haciendo algo mal? No nos escucha? Por que las oraciones de algunas personas parecen mas eficaces que las de otras? Entonces...
Por que unas oraciones funcionan y otras no?Como se sentiria orar con la confianza y la garantia de que Dios te escucha y que tus oraciones hacen una ...
The Challenge Before You Is a Bold One: To Accept the Wild, Daring Adventure of Becoming a Man
We want to be self-sufficient. Find our own direction as we pursue our dreams. Know it all and never ask for help. Isn't this how most guys approach manhood? On our own, pretending we are doing better than we really are? But sooner or later the thrill of independence gets lost in the fog of isolation.
It's time to take the pressure off. We were never meant to figure life out on our own.
This book was born out of a series of weekly phone calls...
The Challenge Before You Is a Bold One: To Accept the Wild, Daring Adventure of Becoming a Man
Most contemporary Americans share the same dilemma: they long for purpose in life, but they're not sure how to find it . . . or even what it might look like if they did. Yet the little-known truth is that the secret of a person's true purpose is coded in the desires of his or her own heart.
In The Journey of Desire--newly updated and revised for today's readers--John Eldredge takes seekers to the heart of their persistent longings and reveals a crucial truth: desire can lead them to the life they've dreamed of.
Desire is the language of the heart, and by examining them...
Most contemporary Americans share the same dilemma: they long for purpose in life, but they're not sure how to find it . . . or even what it might ...
Our deepest need is to live in conversation with God. To hear his voice. To follow him intimately. This is the single most life-changing habit that a human being can adopt, because it brings us back to the source of life. Yet most Christians have never been taught how to have a conversation with the Creator.
In this revised and updated edition of his classic Walking with God, John Eldredge opens his personal journals to tell a year's worth of stories about walking and talking with the Lord. By putting words to the things God has shown him through some amazing...
Our deepest need is to live in conversation with God. To hear his voice. To follow him intimately. This is the single most life-changing habit that...
Normalmente no nos identificamos con el autor de una gran historia. En lugar de eso, nos aferramos al heroe y heroina de quienes se trata la historia. Compartimos sus sufrimientos y sus triunfos. Celebramos sus logros y sufrimos sus perdidas.Cuando pensamos en nuestra propia historia, vemos a Dios como el autor intelectual, omnisciente y omnipotente pero fallamos en reconocerlo como el personaje principal. Este libro relata una vez mas la historia del evangelio en cuatro actos, John Eldredge nos invita a revisitar el drama de la vida, considerando a Dios no solo como el autor sino como el...
Normalmente no nos identificamos con el autor de una gran historia. En lugar de eso, nos aferramos al heroe y heroina de quienes se trata la historia....