The British Empire's open West African sore As the 19th century progressed the inexorable expansion of the British Empire gained momentum across the globe. Imperial ambitions invariably resulted in British naval and military forces coming into conflict with indigenous peoples, who understandably resented intrusions into their territories and traditional ways of life. How problematic the resulting conflict proved to be for the British depended on two factors-the martial abilities of their opponents and the difficulty of the terrain for military operations. The more troublesome these...
The British Empire's open West African sore As the 19th century progressed the inexorable expansion of the British Empire gained momentum across ...
The British Empire's open West African sore As the 19th century progressed the inexorable expansion of the British Empire gained momentum across the globe. Imperial ambitions invariably resulted in British naval and military forces coming into conflict with indigenous peoples, who understandably resented intrusions into their territories and traditional ways of life. How problematic the resulting conflict proved to be for the British depended on two factors-the martial abilities of their opponents and the difficulty of the terrain for military operations. The more troublesome these...
The British Empire's open West African sore As the 19th century progressed the inexorable expansion of the British Empire gained momentum across ...