This introductory volume-"The Awakening Experience"-presents more than simply the story of my own awakening into inspiring nuances of the unity perspective. It also presents the underlying oneness perspective behind the entire series that I enthusiastically believe will help us all move toward a vibrant, healed future. The essence of the unity vision that drives this broader and powerful healing impulse is here. Also included with this volume is the extensive References and Resources List for the entire Global Awakening series - over 50 pages of on-topic books, newspaper and magazine...
This introductory volume-"The Awakening Experience"-presents more than simply the story of my own awakening into inspiring nuances of the unity perspe...
First Light launches the Grand Universal Lineage sequence. It explores the dawn of time and how various civilizations that are relevant for us have sought to understand the origin of all. A brief primer on scientific method then helps us appraise science's best and most convincingly verified creation theory-the Big Bang. We visit some fun facts about our universe, explore some alternative views, and draw important implications from what they tell us. Most importantly, we see why the deep appraisal of such cosmic insights matters. Implicit here is the Oneness perspective that underlies this...
First Light launches the Grand Universal Lineage sequence. It explores the dawn of time and how various civilizations that are relevant for us have so...