Skepticals in religion: watch out Do not criticize anything about any religion. It is not of good taste; it is considered lack of respect and tact. Better turn apart a political party, science, a football team or anything else; but do not touch religion, even with the petal of a rose. What kind of privilege is that? Who provided it? It is not the case for this book. In it, I talk about the evil they all produce. Its essence is to forbid thinking. Faith and revelations cannot be doubted a bit, even existing ample evidence of its falsehood. From the hundreds of religions, which is the true...
Skepticals in religion: watch out Do not criticize anything about any religion. It is not of good taste; it is considered lack of respect and tact. B...
Skepticals in religion: watch out Do not criticize anything about any religion. It is not of good taste; it is considered lack of respect and tact. Better turn apart a political party, science, a football team or anything else; but do not touch religion, even with the petal of a rose. What kind of privilege is that? Who provided it? It is not the case for this book. In it, I talk about the evil they all produce. Its essence is to forbid thinking. Faith and revelations cannot be doubted a bit, even existing ample evidence of its falsehood. From the hundreds of religions, which is the true...
Skepticals in religion: watch out Do not criticize anything about any religion. It is not of good taste; it is considered lack of respect and tact. B...
Pedro Iturralde is attracted to complex things. He does not go thru life searching for them. But when confronted by them, his capacity of wonder wakes up, and he dedicates in heart and mind to master it, or at least to try to become proficient on it. Once he was invited to watch a Jai Alai game. He became absolutely amazed by the speed of the ball, and the incredible mastery that the players displayed. How could they, apparently so easily, retain the ball in such a weird basket, and throw it back at the wall by means of a forceful and elegant motion? In that moment, he decided to try, to turn...
Pedro Iturralde is attracted to complex things. He does not go thru life searching for them. But when confronted by them, his capacity of wonder wakes...
Pedro Iturralde is attracted to complex things. He does not go thru life searching for them. But when confronted by them, his capacity of wonder wakes up, and he dedicates in heart and mind to master it, or at least to try to become proficient on it. Once he was invited to watch a Jai Alai game. He became absolutely amazed by the speed of the ball, and the incredible mastery that the players displayed. How could they, apparently so easily, retain the ball in such a weird basket, and throw it back at the wall by means of a forceful and elegant motion? In that moment, he decided to try, to turn...
Pedro Iturralde is attracted to complex things. He does not go thru life searching for them. But when confronted by them, his capacity of wonder wakes...
Este libro es un compendio de mas de ciento diez temas cortos pero, creo yo, muy interesantes (y algunos divertidos), tales como: La verdad acerca de 9/11, Peligro alto voltaje , Cinco 2 r y una supernova, La cucaracha, la cucaracha, ya no puede caminar ..., Daimon, Adeudo incobrable, Contrapunto, Abordando el siniestro ano 2013, El que no corre, vuela, Dinamico o Estatico, Pavorosa equivocacion, La desaparicion del 23, Pedida de mano y espejo chueco, Nina poco atractiva, Studebaker vs. Austin Healy, Primo artista de cine, con maestria en Harvard y doctorado en Max Plank, Amigos ingratos, El...
Este libro es un compendio de mas de ciento diez temas cortos pero, creo yo, muy interesantes (y algunos divertidos), tales como: La verdad acerca de ...