"American Knights Series III" is subtitled "Miles Knight: The Saboteur." This book continues the historical, ancestral life of the author's 5th Great Grandfather who came to the American Colonies as an indentured servant in 1767 and subsequently became a husband, a father and a successful landowner/farmer. Having freed all the slaves he inherited with the purchase of Shiloh Plantation in Georgia, Miles Knight and his wife, Mary succeed in teaching all their former slaves who chose to be their black servants, to read and write. When Miles is called upon by the Continental Army to be an agent...
"American Knights Series III" is subtitled "Miles Knight: The Saboteur." This book continues the historical, ancestral life of the author's 5th Great ...
"Miles Knight: The Avenger" is Book IV in the American Knights Series. The 5th Great Grandfather of author Lance Knight continues to reveal the trials, joys, emotions and employment of the vengeance that drives him and his Blackguard, Unit 7 to avenge the evils inflicted on them, their dear Indian friends and other Patriots during the American Revolution. The story also reveals the unimaginable horrors of American military and civilian prisoners of war on British prison ships, also called 'Hell Ships, where Miles Knight's childhood friend, a double agent spy for the Continental Army is being...
"Miles Knight: The Avenger" is Book IV in the American Knights Series. The 5th Great Grandfather of author Lance Knight continues to reveal the trials...