The term "lymphoma" was originally used by Billroth in 1871 55], and by Virehow 763] some years before that, for the designation of swelling of lymph nodes that was not due to "eareinoma, sareoma, ehondroma, myxoma, ete. " In his paper, Billroth reeounted sueeessful treatment with arsenie (" Fowler's solution") of multiple "lymphomas" that had developed in a 40-year-old woman during a 10-month period. From this report it is not entirely clear if the multiple" lymphomas" deseribed were infeetious or if they were eonsis te nt with what we now mean by "malignant lymphoma. " Today, the term...
The term "lymphoma" was originally used by Billroth in 1871 55], and by Virehow 763] some years before that, for the designation of swelling of lymp...