This is a working handbook for beginning novelists. It is full of information and workspaces to help the aspiring novelist get ideas from first imagining to paper to publication. It is written clearly and simply, and divides novels into four major categories, which will help the writer narrow focus on the type of novel to write. It also has dozens of workspaces for the writer to fill in or complete to keep ideas moving from one stage to the next, always moving forward. By completing the activities in any one, or all four, sections the writer will have a good idea of where to start, how to...
This is a working handbook for beginning novelists. It is full of information and workspaces to help the aspiring novelist get ideas from first imagin...
This book is called Stirring the Pot for good reason. Think about this: a really good stew is made up of excellent ingredients, but if you don't stir the pot at least occasionally, the final product will probably come out with some ingredients stuck to the bottom of the pot, and some at the top may not even be cooked through. You need to stir periodically so that the stew comes out even better than the individual ingredients that went into it. The same holds true for working in a department or office in which you supervise more than one employee, and you are the person designated to evaluate...
This book is called Stirring the Pot for good reason. Think about this: a really good stew is made up of excellent ingredients, but if you don't stir ...
This is a handbook of techniques and processes for working with children who are causing problems around them, in an otherwise normal public setting: classroom, club, team, home. Workspaces give readers the opportunity to practice the techniques they learn for working with children who have more 'difficult' days than normal days in the classroom or other public setting. The handbook describes what these 'difficult children' look like and act like in a classroom and how to steer their difficult behavior in a more positive direction. There is a general problem solving help section, and a...
This is a handbook of techniques and processes for working with children who are causing problems around them, in an otherwise normal public setting: ...