In this next installment in the the Keltrius series is a prequel that tells, a story about an Angel who came down from heaven to protect a young woman and her unborn against the devil army. The angel named is Leon, he travel with another angel named John who is from the first book of the Keltrius series. The young woman named Anita and her parents named Norman and Hattie Walker Keltrius future grandparents. As a successful Norman committee one of the greatest sins from the 10 Commandments. Which damages his marriage with Hattie and destroyed one family that leads a father down a destructive...
In this next installment in the the Keltrius series is a prequel that tells, a story about an Angel who came down from heaven to protect a young woman...
This extended version from the first book of the Keltrius series, gives you bonus pages of the exciting story of one young man's journey to becoming the hero he was born to be for our world today. As God has blessed him with special abilities and super powers for fighting undercover demons who are here to bring chaos, destruction and ruin. While young Keltrius is learning to use his powers he and his friends are dealing with high school bullies and the pressures of being teenagers. The world falls deeper into darkness and Keltrius must to lead the fight against evil for victory.
This extended version from the first book of the Keltrius series, gives you bonus pages of the exciting story of one young man's journey to becoming t...