King Glennen of Eldador gave me a job to do - avenge his wife's death - and hey, you know me, I am to please So maybe he didn't say, "Attack the invincible city, sack it and pretty much slap the faces of every important person on Fovea," but then again I never went to charm school. I kind of do what I do. But you know what I wish he had said? I wish he'd said, "Lupus, if you do plan to go sack the invincible city, you better make darn sure you have a way out of there, because the Uman-Chi are the most powerful Wizards on the planet, and every other nation is a friend to them." Yeah, that...
King Glennen of Eldador gave me a job to do - avenge his wife's death - and hey, you know me, I am to please So maybe he didn't say, "Attack the invi...