How safe are we? Is the United States of America Finished as a first world country? Is the US Constitution and the Rule of Law still being followed in a way that benefits Americans? Is the Quest for money, power and personal security stronger than the desire to help our neighbor? This books primary goal is to educate you on the root causes of the social and political strife in our country, and to offer personal, professional and technical solutions and strategies when implemented properly will empower you as an individual to reclaim America. More than a how to book, it is learning about and...
How safe are we? Is the United States of America Finished as a first world country? Is the US Constitution and the Rule of Law still being followed in...
This book demonstrates that to be an authentic leader you have to have a clear idea of what you want to accomplish which benefits others. And then leverage your influence based on personal integrity to achieve your desired results. After research over many years we have determined that the strength and character of the United States is founded upon authentic leadership related to God, Country, Community and Family. If we want to keep being a country based on Liberty and Justice and avoid the decay seen presently in government we must become those leaders who seek and protect Life, Liberty and...
This book demonstrates that to be an authentic leader you have to have a clear idea of what you want to accomplish which benefits others. And then lev...