In this final installment of the Southern Secrets saga, the newly married couples begin their lives together, so blissfully happy that nothing could disrupt their joy. Their parents have set the perfect examples through years of unconditional love and affection. Even when faced with hardships and tragedies, their relationships have always held firm. True love gave them strength to overcome. But when a disheartening deceit comes to light, the strongest of bonds is tested beyond measure. An unexpected arrival changes many lives. Every last secret is finally revealed. In the end, can they all...
In this final installment of the Southern Secrets saga, the newly married couples begin their lives together, so blissfully happy that nothing could d...
Lily Larsen is given no choice but to leave her beloved home in Cades Cove, Tennessee. She's sent to St. Louis to live with her uppity aunt, who's determined to turn Lily into a proper young woman. Brokenhearted, Lily succumbs to her aunt and uncle's odd ways, though she can't understand why her estranged relatives suddenly care about her. She's schooled in etiquette and groomed for the purpose of marrying into wealth. However, she remains guarded, fearing that her secrets will be discovered and ruin any chance for happiness. Violet Larsen desperately misses her beloved sister. She carries...
Lily Larsen is given no choice but to leave her beloved home in Cades Cove, Tennessee. She's sent to St. Louis to live with her uppity aunt, who's det...