LinkedIn has awesome capabilities to bring diverse individuals together around common ideas and platforms. If you aren't taking full advantage of LinkedIn, you're missing out. "Leveraging Your LinkedIn Profile For Success" was written with the goal of helping you to maximize your profile, gain your full potential of exposure, and achieve verified results. My 10+ years working with this platform to gain insights, knowledge and experience are now yours to leverage for your own benefit. I will show you my tips, secrets, insights and techniques to understand the LinkedIn platform and put your...
LinkedIn has awesome capabilities to bring diverse individuals together around common ideas and platforms. If you aren't taking full advantage of Link...
The conversation around "must-have" 21st century leadership skills has been in full swing for years. From business to education, classroom to community, the debate on what is a "new skill" or an "always skill" can be both controversial and confusing. Fortunately, "The 12 Talents: The Must-Have Habits and Attitudes of Effective 21st Century Leaders" provides simple, yet powerful perspectives, ideas and applications that help anyone interested in maximizing their ability to satisfy the very human hunger for meaning, contribution, and significance, succeed. Their exists no singular list of...
The conversation around "must-have" 21st century leadership skills has been in full swing for years. From business to education, classroom to communit...