J. C. Walker U. S. Dept of Agriculture Division of Fruit and Vegetable Crops
This special reprint edition of "Diseases of Cabbage and Related Plants" was written by J.C. Walker of the USDA's Division of Fruit and Vegetable Crops, part of the University of Wisconsin's Agricultural Research Administration, and first published in 1912. Originally released as a "Wisconsin Bulletin." The book covers topics on cabbage diseases including Cabbage and Other Crucifers, Transit and Storage Diseases, Parasitic Diseases and Their Control, Nonparasitic Maladies, and more. IMPORTANT NOTE - Please read BEFORE buying THIS BOOK IS A REPRINT. IT IS NOT AN ORIGINAL COPY. This book is a...
This special reprint edition of "Diseases of Cabbage and Related Plants" was written by J.C. Walker of the USDA's Division of Fruit and Vegetable Crop...