In this very humorous middle school book, Christopher Arthur McDaniels lives a life of calamity. His day-to-day travels are strewn with obstacles and detours that confront him with one predicament after another, while the reader follows along with one laugh after another. Christopher's life is a bit different from most kids. His parents both work in the criminal-justice system. His father is a prosecuting attorney and his mother-get this-is a judge. In Christopher's house, family court is held in the kitchen and his ongoing cases of mishaps are routinely brought before Judge Mom and...
In this very humorous middle school book, Christopher Arthur McDaniels lives a life of calamity. His day-to-day travels are strewn with obstacles and ...
Martina McTripaw loved hanging out with her friends at the dog park - until the Tripoli triplets started picking on her, just because she was a little bit different from her four-legged friends. With the help of her wise counselor, Dr. Earl Grey, Martina learns to be proud of who she is and stand up to the bullies - just in time to return to the dog park and celebrate the birthday bash for her dear friend, the Goldmeister General. Featuring an afterword from Dr. Earl Grey, resources for children and adults, and discussion questions for adults and children on the subject of...
Martina McTripaw loved hanging out with her friends at the dog park - until the Tripoli triplets started picking on her, just because she was a lit...