Reveals the hidden African origins of Christianity, the plagurised texts of the Bible, and its iconic symbols. You will learn how the Mythological Messiah named Jesus the Christ (Yeshua) and the Mythological Virgin Mary was manufactured.
Reveals the hidden African origins of Christianity, the plagurised texts of the Bible, and its iconic symbols. You will learn how the Mythological Mes...
Explores the hidden origins of Judaism, the plagurised texts of the Torah, European Jewish Cults, and the creation of the mythological Hebrew prophet Moses (Musa).
Explores the hidden origins of Judaism, the plagurised texts of the Torah, European Jewish Cults, and the creation of the mythological Hebrew prophet ...
Focuses on Honoring the Ancestors, learning the Medew Netcher hieroglyphic writing script, the Natural Sciences, Philosophy and Magical Spiritual Systems of Kemet (Ancient Egypt) and diverse African tribes.
Focuses on Honoring the Ancestors, learning the Medew Netcher hieroglyphic writing script, the Natural Sciences, Philosophy and Magical Spiritual Syst...