This is a fictional story about one mans attempt to do something about an ecological disaster in the Gulf of Mexico that threatened the Gulf shore line along the southern states. The threat was to the tourist trade, the fishing industry, and the many species of wildlife that lived in and around the waters affected. Terry Jackson sees a unbelievable disaster on the news. He has always worked, and made a living on the water, as a Captain and marine mechanic. He feels he wants to give something back for the life he has carved out for himself. He attempts to do something about the mess with the...
This is a fictional story about one mans attempt to do something about an ecological disaster in the Gulf of Mexico that threatened the Gulf shore lin...
After his first book, --Disaster In The Gulf--, Ramon F. D'Elosua has written another exciting adventure story about his intrepid captain, Terry Jackson, or T.J. and his most of his friends and crew. There is love, adventure, and a few conflicts along the way that will keep you turning the pages. There is the usual humor intertwined with the drama that keeps things interesting. The crew becomes a close knit family, and are very supportive of each other. While helping out some friends that were caught up in super storm Sandy, T.J. finds out about a shipment of very valuable war surplus...
After his first book, --Disaster In The Gulf--, Ramon F. D'Elosua has written another exciting adventure story about his intrepid captain, Terry Jacks...