A vexing prophecy. A formidable foe. An irrepressible desire and an obsession for revenge. Can prophecy be cast aside? Can lost love be regained? Find out in Journey to Redemption: Destiny Fulfilled, the last in the Delphi trilogy by Frank D. Iannella that paints an evocative portrait of the Greek city of Delphi in the early sixth century BC. Rich in rarely chronicled ancient history, as well as the mysticism, myths, and folklore of the times, this historic action novel is a spellbinding foray into everyday life long ago that is certain to captivate anyone with a curiosity for ancient...
A vexing prophecy. A formidable foe. An irrepressible desire and an obsession for revenge. Can prophecy be cast aside? Can lost love be regained? Find...
Little did Frank D. Iannella realize what a bizarre and sometimes threatening journey he was about to undertake when he accepted a teaching position in Florence, Italy, that unexpectedly led him to Delphi, Greece. Once there, the author recalls how an encounter with the mysteries of the Oracle and reincarnation led him to an epiphany that changed his perception of reality and ultimately inspired him to write his Delphi Trilogy. This book also provides the reader with a deeper understanding of the entire three-volume work. My Journey to Delphi: How I Came to Write the Delphi Trilogy, is a...
Little did Frank D. Iannella realize what a bizarre and sometimes threatening journey he was about to undertake when he accepted a teaching position i...