The true enlightened man lives a simple and carefree life, he is aware in a way not normally understood, and he's practically invisible. He lives in a world almost opposite to that of his fellow beings. Where others thrive on the company and compliments of the crowd, he trusts only the wellspring of higher thought and empowered feelings that flow from within him. While others strive to excel and succeed, to be someone, he alone knows the power and satisfaction of being no-one, of being invisible. Do not misunderstand. This is not a philosophy for losers, but of real men and real women. It...
The true enlightened man lives a simple and carefree life, he is aware in a way not normally understood, and he's practically invisible. He lives in a...
El verdadero hombre iluminado vive una vida simple y sin preocupaciones, es consciente de una manera que no se entiende normalmente, y es practicamente invisible. Vive en un mundo casi opuesto al de sus semejantes. Donde otros buscan la compania y elogios de una multitud, el confia solo en la verdadera fuente de pensamientos profundos y sentimientos vigorizantes que fluyen de su interior. Mientras que otros se esfuerzan por sobresalir y triunfar, ser alguien; el, por si mismo, conoce el poder y la satisfaccion de ser nadie, de ser invisible. No me malentiendan. Esto no es una filosofia para...
El verdadero hombre iluminado vive una vida simple y sin preocupaciones, es consciente de una manera que no se entiende normalmente, y es practicament...
Meet David, a guy with a killer personality and classmates who bully him for being a nerd. None could see the potential that was hidden within him. As the summer comes, David and his sister go to their Grandmother's house in the country. An alien reconnaissance starship finds David and once the space beings realize his potential, they refuse to let it go to waste. It is there that his life has changed forever and things will never be the same. On the far planet, David meets Hella, Migo and Sparkie and together they grow, mature and learn the secrets of the universe. To graduate to adulthood...
Meet David, a guy with a killer personality and classmates who bully him for being a nerd. None could see the potential that was hidden within him. As...
Welcome to the magical realm of Sinead. Times are hard, a curse is upon the land. Gnome, fairy and human communities are in turmoil. Reindeer Keep Village sends her bravest warriors to accomplish a dangerous task. Many have fought against the Lords of Darkness. Nobody has ever succeed. Sian Stillwater and his companions journey to Darknoor to conquer evil. Immandra Stillwater, his soulmate, remains in the village. Time passes and there is no word from Darknoor. Something terrible must have happened to Sian. Immandra embarks upon the quest to find and save her beloved. There are seven deathly...
Welcome to the magical realm of Sinead. Times are hard, a curse is upon the land. Gnome, fairy and human communities are in turmoil. Reindeer Keep Vil...
Poems in the Strangers Anthology of Poetry are more than a simple overflow of mystical experience; they are an artistic creation of the highest craftsmanship as well. Nonetheless, the divine tone that pervades Maria's work undeniably owes its presence also to the mystical experience. Maria didn't learn about poetry and practiced composing her own poems. It all happened one night, when some window in the universal fabric opened and the poems started pouring down, one after another, keeping her awake all night. By morning she was exhausted but had a big stack of notes taken during this outbreak...
Poems in the Strangers Anthology of Poetry are more than a simple overflow of mystical experience; they are an artistic creation of the highest crafts...
ALADDIN COMES TO BEVERLY HILLS Treasure hunter and grave robber, Randy Connor, gets his lucky break when he finds a Cave of Wonders. Mastering seven genies is not an easy task, especially if one of them is a Beast, one a parrot, one a raging teenager. From his new headquarters in Beverly Hills Randy plots revenge on his brother Rick, LAPD inspector, who put him behind bars years back. Genies have their code of honor and revenge is not on the list of wishes they can grant. Randy, annoyed by their lack of cooperation, puts them to work in his "900 GENIE" service, which soon becomes the talk of...
ALADDIN COMES TO BEVERLY HILLS Treasure hunter and grave robber, Randy Connor, gets his lucky break when he finds a Cave of Wonders. Mastering seven g...