Lizzy Sterling and her newly formed Paranormal Investigation Group are called to assist a family who has been driven from their home by an angry spirit. Lizzy, Josh, Jennifer and Janet are drawn into the Barton's world of frozen interiors, dark shadows and aggressive paranormal activity. The Barton's, believing the Spirit is evil, were unable to remain in their home safely due to constant attacks. As the group seeks answers it learns a great deal about how some Spirits interact and why. Lizzy learned in her previous case that Spirits are unpredictable, can attach themselves to a host and...
Lizzy Sterling and her newly formed Paranormal Investigation Group are called to assist a family who has been driven from their home by an angry spiri...
Life is rarely clear-cut and often leads us down paths we weren't expecting. Lizzy Sterling's journey as an Paranormal Detective begins when she innocently helps a friend. Her life has been devoted to finding hidden knowledge and the desire to understand spiritual truths. "Studying" and "doing," however, are two completely different things In a twist of fate, Lizzy is pulled into a paranormal mystery. Although she has been intrigued by the supernatural her whole life, she never dreamed she would be helping to usher spirits across the gap. She and her close knit group begin playing an...
Life is rarely clear-cut and often leads us down paths we weren't expecting. Lizzy Sterling's journey as an Paranormal Detective begins when she innoc...