Do you like babysitting, running, landscaping, and last but not the least, doing plumbing and yard work? Well, reading this book might be the next best thing to do after fixing your chores. Journey with John is a compilation of short, real-life stories taken from the life of Pastor John Brooks. The stories will make you laugh on life's little jokes, reflect on experiences, appreciate the small gifts from God, and love each moment of your life. Pastor Brooks writes very compelling and relatable stories as he narrates his experiences and mishaps in a humorous and witty way. He includes Bible...
Do you like babysitting, running, landscaping, and last but not the least, doing plumbing and yard work? Well, reading this book might be the next bes...
When it was first published in 1972, this was the first book to analyze the experience of Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa in the field of macro-economic policy. The characteristics of this group of countries gives them much in common with both industrialized and emerging economies. Their experience of economic policy-making has, therefore an unusually wide relevance.
When it was first published in 1972, this was the first book to analyze the experience of Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa in the fi...