One of the most pivotal, shocking, and defining events in American history, the assassination of President Lincoln, remains a constant source of fascination and divisive opinions. In this extensively researched historical novel, the author paints a fuller picture of those convicted of killing the president. John Wilkes Booth and his co-conspirators are often dismissed as irrational loners. But The Last Confederate Heroes: The Final Struggle for Southern Independence and the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln delves deeper into their backgrounds and political philosophies, portraying them as...
One of the most pivotal, shocking, and defining events in American history, the assassination of President Lincoln, remains a constant source of fasci...
What if John Wilkes Booth were tried for assassinating Abraham Lincoln? Fleeing south after shooting President Lincoln, John Wilkes Booth was cornered in a barn in Virginia and mortally wounded when he refused to surrender to pursuing federal cavalrymen. His death some hours later denied the nation a trial that might have revealed his motives and possible links to the Confederate government. In this riveting tale, historian William L. Richter continues his study of what Booth believed he was accomplishing in figuratively firing the last shot of what the South called the War for Southern...
What if John Wilkes Booth were tried for assassinating Abraham Lincoln? Fleeing south after shooting President Lincoln, John Wilkes Booth was cornered...
Albert Tzeng William L. Richter Ekaterina Koldunova
Explores the interconnection between geopolitical context and the ways this context frames our knowledge about Asia, highlighting previously neglected cause-effect relations.
Explores the interconnection between geopolitical context and the ways this context frames our knowledge about Asia, highlighting previously neglected...