An Alien Encounter: Inspired by Actual Events, tells the story of a young couple who park their car in the woods only to find themselves greeted by strange beings intent on kidnap and murder. With only the help of retired police officer and ufologist, Jack McGuire, Jess and Tanner soon realise their nightmare has only just begun when their attack is linked to a previous abduction. A group of black-clad, government officials also seem intent on keeping the couple silent...
An Alien Encounter: Inspired by Actual Events, tells the story of a young couple who park their car in the woods only to find themselves greeted by st...
'He called me like a dog and I liked it.' That's just the start of the abusive control Daryl has over Ruby. When a tall, dark stranger walks into the shop where Ruby is working she immediately feels an instant attraction. On the outside Daryl seems perfectly normal. However, there is a lot more to him than meets the eye, and once he has his claws into her she finds herself tangled up in a sinister world of werewolves. This book will make Little Red Riding Hood's wold look like a playful puppy. Contains adult themes and strong violence. Not for the faint-hearted.
'He called me like a dog and I liked it.' That's just the start of the abusive control Daryl has over Ruby. When a tall, dark stranger walks into the ...