Les auteurs contribuant a ce recueil ont ete invites a reflechir sur notre condition postmoderne, non pas tant sur les sens differents qu a pris le terme du postmoderne que sur l heure qu il est. La reflexion se deroule dans l horizon de la pensee des classiques du postmodernisme, Jean-Francois Lyotard en tete, et dans l horizon des questions qui y sont, explicitement ou implicitement, posees: Qu en est-il de la possibilite meme de l action politique et du jugement moral dans un monde qui apparait, a la fois, sans alternative et deboussole ? Qu en est-il desormais du sujet de l action et du...
Les auteurs contribuant a ce recueil ont ete invites a reflechir sur notre condition postmoderne, non pas tant sur les sens differents qu a pris le te...
Dialectics beyond Dialectics is a study of contemporary French philosophy from Bataille to Derrida. It analyses, on the first level of generalization, the decomposition of Hegelianism understood as philosophy of totality. Many French philosophers of the 20th century deconstruct Hegelian dialectics and harshly criticize the very idea of totality as either dangerous or impossible. The thesis of the book is that, on doing so, they do not really break with dialectics, but transform it. On the second level of generalization, the issue of the book is modernity and the thesis is that...
Dialectics beyond Dialectics is a study of contemporary French philosophy from Bataille to Derrida. It analyses, on the first level of generali...
Exploring how football impacts on people's everyday lives, this volume uses anthropological research methods to scrutinize the social fields of football fans and the specific socio-cultural contexts in which they are embedded, taking into account processes of Europeanization, globalization, commercialization and migration.
Exploring how football impacts on people's everyday lives, this volume uses anthropological research methods to scrutinize the social fields of foo...