This story was woven into the fabric of the history of the American frontier. Many of the characters, including Joe Oscar, Davey Wall, the Big Timer, and Prairie Flower, are fictional. Some of the characters, such as Charlie Rath and Grant Marsh, lived the frontier life. The story begins in March 1876, concludes in August 1876, and follows the historic record. It is a story of the ordinary and extraordinary life of the period, of epic struggles for survival, of triumph and of heartbreak, of war and of tranquility, of hatred and of great kindness. It is a story of...
This story was woven into the fabric of the history of the American frontier. Many of the characters, including Joe Oscar, Davey Wall, the Bi...
This story was woven into the fabric of the history of the American frontier. Many of the characters, including Joe Oscar, Davey Wall, the Big Timer, and Prairie Flower, are fictional. Some of the characters, such as Charlie Rath and Grant Marsh, lived the frontier life. The story begins in March 1876, concludes in August 1876, and follows the historic record. It is a story of the ordinary and extraordinary life of the period, of epic struggles for survival, of triumph and of heartbreak, of war and of tranquility, of hatred and of great kindness. It is a story of...
This story was woven into the fabric of the history of the American frontier. Many of the characters, including Joe Oscar, Davey Wall, the Bi...