In the 1950s, the city of Alexandria, Louisiana, is home to a black neighborhood known as Sonia Quarters. The Sonia, as its residents call it, is filled with fascinating characters-among them five teenage boys, for whom the summer of 1957 is especially memorable.
Curly, Joe, Willie T., Ray, and Harry work and hang out together, doing odd jobs for neighbors and getting into trouble. On the day of the storm-Hurricane Audrey-the five boy spend the day going around town "on safari." They meet up early in the morning and make all the stops, going to a forbidden swimming hole (where they...
In the 1950s, the city of Alexandria, Louisiana, is home to a black neighborhood known as Sonia Quarters. The Sonia, as its residents call it, is f...
In the 1950s, the city of Alexandria, Louisiana, is home to a black neighborhood known as Sonia Quarters. The Sonia, as its residents call it, is filled with fascinating characters-among them five teenage boys, for whom the summer of 1957 is especially memorable.
Curly, Joe, Willie T., Ray, and Harry work and hang out together, doing odd jobs for neighbors and getting into trouble. On the day of the storm-Hurricane Audrey-the five boy spend the day going around town "on safari." They meet up early in the morning and make all the stops, going to a forbidden swimming hole (where they...
In the 1950s, the city of Alexandria, Louisiana, is home to a black neighborhood known as Sonia Quarters. The Sonia, as its residents call it, is f...