We all have to make decisions or choices willingly or unwillingly. One decision here, another choice there, is a daily task for everyone. Some people avoid making decisions; other people let someone else make the decision for them. If we don't take charge of our lives, we will be constantly pulled in or pushed in one direction or another, whether it's the right way or the wrong way. There is one decision that a person must make on their own, the decision to accept or reject Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. If you do accept Him, you will have to discipline yourself to keep from...
We all have to make decisions or choices willingly or unwillingly. One decision here, another choice there, is a daily task for everyone. Some people ...
Most people want to do their best at everything that they do. They pursue educational training or develop their natural skills in order to be successful. However, they will also need to incorporate certain Attributes into their mental framework. These Attributes are COURAGE, BOLDNESS, DARING, KNOWLEDGE, COMMON SENSE, WISDOM, LOVE, VALUE, INTEGRITY, CHARACTER, DISCIPLINE, HOPE, FAITH and HONESTY. With Attributes and skills, there is no telling how far a person may go in life or what that person may achieve. The Play, "Holy Attributes " explains what some of them are and in whom you should find...
Most people want to do their best at everything that they do. They pursue educational training or develop their natural skills in order to be successf...
Are you ready to play? Then come on up and be a part of Book Five, of the Salvation Game Series. Playing board, table or physical games are fun but when you are a Player in the game of life, you may not always get another turn to move in the right direction. In Come On Up and Play: The Salvation Game V," the Player believes that because she is certified, sanctified and 'sisterfied' by her Pastor, she is in a higher state of holiness. She rests on her sin-less state to justify her rejection of the call of God. With the help of her husband and a suspicious supporter, she defends the...
Are you ready to play? Then come on up and be a part of Book Five, of the Salvation Game Series. Playing board, table or physical games are fun but wh...
These are Plays about a person that goes about his way in life until he hears a familiar sound. A sound that he has heard many times in the past but chose each time to ignore it. Now the sound has gotten stronger and different as he walks to a certain point in the road of life. The sound, the voice, the roar is too much for him to disregard. When does the roar of a Lion to a person begin to sounds more like a song of love?
These are Plays about a person that goes about his way in life until he hears a familiar sound. A sound that he has heard many times in the past but c...
With more and more citizens waking up to the truth that the government that they now have has no intent in restoring their common freedoms, more and more loyal citizens are growing restless. Not only is there a bombing of a southern town, there's the willful and secret destruction of an urban subdivision, both committed by government police personnel. With the addition of curfews for selected individuals and communities, a Senator proposes a bill to close the borders of the State of Mississippi. In addition to the increase in the rewards for known collaborators of the government's Most...
With more and more citizens waking up to the truth that the government that they now have has no intent in restoring their common freedoms, more and m...
This Church Drama can show you how to take and transfer the ways, duties and procedures of the different type of jobs that people have and convert them into ways to help you to be a better witness for Christ.
This Church Drama can show you how to take and transfer the ways, duties and procedures of the different type of jobs that people have and convert the...
At various times in life a person may get heartbroken, spiritually or mentally tired, discouraged, mentally distracted or just plain give up on life. If you are a Christian, it is doubly disheartening because it will affect your spiritually connection with God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Giving up or being afraid to move on with your life can cause you to visit 'The Waiting Zone.' It's ok to do so once in awhile but not to go there and live out the rest of your life. People who are "Waiting" around for the 'What to happen, the 'Where' it will happen at, ' the 'When' it will...
At various times in life a person may get heartbroken, spiritually or mentally tired, discouraged, mentally distracted or just plain give up on life. ...