When Tess follows an unnamed little girl through the favelas of Rio de Janeiro, she transcends time to search for answers about the disappearance of her mother...thirteen years ago. For months, Tess has experienced vivid dreams that have taken her to Rio's Carnival, the beaches of Brazil and to the mountaintop statue of Cristo Redentor. Her nighttime travels have also brought home souvenirs like sand in her bed, and fingerprint bruises that circle her wrists like bracelets. Back in the snowy Colorado Rockies, her stateside boyfriend and her grandmother attempt to keep Tess anchored in this...
When Tess follows an unnamed little girl through the favelas of Rio de Janeiro, she transcends time to search for answers about the disappearance of h...
The streets of present-day New York City are in turmoil over the ritualistic murders of a seemingly, unconnected group of residents. FBI Agent Kate Caine and her partner, Agent Mike Drake can find no clear motive, impeding her investigation. When a message is carved into the latest victim by The Night Demon, Kate consults with Dr. Emily Theodorou, curator of the Antiquities Department at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and her former lover for assistance in understanding the growing complexity of the case. Through Emily's expertise, the agents are led to mysterious woman named Lilith revealing...
The streets of present-day New York City are in turmoil over the ritualistic murders of a seemingly, unconnected group of residents. FBI Agent Kate Ca...
First-time triathlete Richard Benevento found nature to be his catalyst in healing and growing stronger. In his motivational memoir, Journey to Blue Lake, My Tri Dream Comes True, he chronicles his turbulent months of training with humor and candor. During this time, he was facing the death of his father and his marriage, and had turned to drinking to cope. Luckily, it was his training that led him to find himself and his life, once again. His supportive, yet funny narrative, combined with practical training tips will guide other newbies through all of their "firsts." Includes: 'Tri Terms'...
First-time triathlete Richard Benevento found nature to be his catalyst in healing and growing stronger. In his motivational memoir, Journey to Blue L...