The Adventures of Agnes and the Martian is the story of a spunky and adventurous young lady that meets a curious, little green alien with one eye right in the middle of his head. At first they aren't sure what to make of each other, but quickly learn how important it is not to judge a book by its cover-or, shall we say, a Martian by his one eye.
The Adventures of Agnes and the Martian is the story of a spunky and adventurous young lady that meets a curious, little green alien with one eye righ...
The Adventures of Agnes and the Martian is the story of a spunky young lady who meets a curious, little green alien with one eye right in the middle of his head. At first they aren't sure what to make of each other, but quickly learn how important it is not to judge a book by its cover-or, shall we say, a Martian by his one eye. In Agnes and the Martian's Camping Adventure, Agnes teaches the Martian that it is always good to try new things. But will he like their latest expedition?
The Adventures of Agnes and the Martian is the story of a spunky young lady who meets a curious, little green alien with one eye right in the middle o...
Smoothie Book with 30 smoothies - one for each day of the month - plus three bonus nut milks. Each recipe was meticulously crafted and tested for taste. Beautiful, full color photos, healthy tips and focus on the benefits, vitality, energy and lean body. Benefits: Energy Vitality Leaner Glowing Skin 2 Have energy like a 6-year-old on an energy drink (from all those vitamins and nutrients ) Increased vitality Get light & lean Gorgeous, hydrated skin What to expect: 100% plant-based smoothies 100% whole foods 100% natural sweeteners 100% delicious NO carrageenan NO artificial colors or flavors...
Smoothie Book with 30 smoothies - one for each day of the month - plus three bonus nut milks. Each recipe was meticulously crafted and tested for tast...