An African-American family migrates from a rural Mississippi town to the city of "Big Shoulders" during the period of the "Great Migration" in search for a better life. During their lives in the "Windy City, they witness the Beginning of the Civil Rights movement, Murder, the evolving of the Powerful Chicago Street Gangs, Riots, Drug addiction, blues music, prejudgement, and heartbreak. Looking for a way through it all, the family finds a way to stick together and survive through many "forks" in their road. With them all having "The Blues," they all create a way to deal with their short...
An African-American family migrates from a rural Mississippi town to the city of "Big Shoulders" during the period of the "Great Migration" in search ...
This book is about a six year old boy, who uses his imagination upon all of the things that he could be when he grows up. From being an astronaut, to being a superhero and many other things, he discovers that he can be anything he wants to be, just as long as he puts his mind to it
This book is about a six year old boy, who uses his imagination upon all of the things that he could be when he grows up. From being an astronaut, to ...