This is the story of Miyamoto Musashi, perhaps the most famous samurai and greatest swordsman to ever live. Get your children started with the first book in the Knee-High Samurai Series titled Under the Sun: The Miyamoto Musashi Stary by Hisashi Maeda and JS Moore. There have been many Anime and Manga Comics fictionalizing the story of Miyamoto Musashi. There have been three different television series about him and over thirty different films. Although countless books covering his life have been published, this is the first children's book about Miyamoto Musashi. It is dedicated to Yoshikawa...
This is the story of Miyamoto Musashi, perhaps the most famous samurai and greatest swordsman to ever live. Get your children started with the first b...
Tante tante lune fa nel Giappone feudale la classe guerriera guidata dallo Shogunato controllava il paese. Nonostante fosse un periodo di tumulti, un samurai poteva dar prova del suo valore ed elevare il suo rango grazie al servizio, all'abilita, ed alla dedizione verso il suo padrone. Ma sebbene qualcuno raggiunse un certo successo, rari furono quelli ricordati negli anni a venire."
Tante tante lune fa nel Giappone feudale la classe guerriera guidata dallo Shogunato controllava il paese. Nonostante fosse un periodo di tumulti, un ...